In recognition of the inter-connectedness between people and nature, for the past 25 years Victoria’s 10 Catchment Management Authorities have each led development of a Regional Catchment Strategy for their region.
The strategies are required by the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994. They bring government, organisations and communities together and guide their collective efforts to protect and improve the health of the land, water and biodiversity resources that are vital for vibrant, prosperous and sustainable communities and environments.
The Regional Catchment Strategies are reviewed and renewed approximately every six years to ensure they remain current and relevant. This involves extensive partner and community engagement to make sure the values and priorities of the people who live, work and visit the regions are recognised and planned for. While the Catchment Management Authorities lead the development of the strategies, this planning belongs to the community.
This fourth iteration of Regional Catchment Strategies forms one of the key pillars of the Victorian Government’s Our Catchments Our Communities (2021-2024) program that supports greater stewardship of our natural resources across Victoria.
The new strategies also represent a significant step forward to support self-determination of Traditional Owners with each featuring Traditional Owner voices and highlighting the role of traditional ecological knowledge in forming priorities for action.
The strategies are presented online with a consistent format. Each includes a core set of catchment and community outcomes in line with Victoria’s whole-of-Government “outcomes approach” delivering benefits for Victorian communities.
Click on the map to visit each Regional Catchment Strategy.
The long-term environmental strategies for our catchment management regions developed hand-in-hand with regional communities, ensuring policies hit the ground effectively though integration, partnerships and practical action.